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2023 NECO Biology Practical Specimens

The NECO Biology practical specimens Answers has been solved below. If you are in search of the 2023 NECO Biology practical specimens then you are at the right place because we have provided the a complete list of the 2023 NECO Biology specimens plus questions and answers. You can Join our whatsapp Group To get our answers



Specimen A – Land Snail

Specimen B – Toad

Specimen C – Spider

Specimen D – Crayfish

Specimen E – Spirogyra Filaments

Specimen F – mucor/Rhizopus

Specimen G – Groundnut Seeding (A week old)

Specimen H – Maize Seedling (A week old)

Specimen I – Microscope

Specimen J – Slide (plain)

Specimen K – Pigeon

Specimen L – Agama Lizard

Specimen M – Rat

Specimen N – Tilapia


Specimen A – land Snail

What is the Habitat of Specimen A?

Specimen A lives in scrublands, agricultural areas, plantations, garden, wetland etc.

Phylum – Mollusca

Class – Gastropod

What are the Observation Features that adapts Specimen A to its habitats?

Lungs for adaptation to land habitat through the use of lungs that take in oxygen.

Shells  for protection

Tentacles for vision and feelings

Rasp tongue for consumption and digestion

Foots – for movement inland habitat

What are the Economic Importance of Specimen A?

  1. They eat very low on the food web
  2. they provide food for all sorts of mammals, birds earthworm etc.
  3. They cause great disaster to farmers crop
  4. they consume rotten vegetation like most leaf.

What is the Mode of the feeding of Specimen A?

Specimen A feed by Scraping and also mostly feed on leaves and humus.

What is the Sex of Specimen A?

Specimen A exhibits intersex or Bisexual.

Specimen B: Toad

What is the Habitat of Specimen B?

Specimen B leaves on Wet, moist, damp places and damp grass/vegetation near freshwater ponds.

What is the Class to which Specimens B Belongs to?

Specimen B belongs to the Amphibian class.

What are the Observable Features That Adapt Specimen B to its Habitat?

– Poison gland for protection
– Warty skin for camouflage
– Webbed digits of hind limbs for swimming
– Bulging eyes for wide vision
– Muscular forelimbs for absorbing shock
– Long muscular hind limbs for jumping or hopping
– Cryptic coloration for camouflage
– Moist skin for respiration (Cutaneous).

What is the Mode of Feeding of Specimen B?

Specimen B feed by tongue Projection, specimen B have a long, sticky tongue that can rapidly project out of its mouth to catch prey for food.

What are the Economic Importance of Specimen B?

Predator-Prey Dynamics: Specimen B helps to regulate populations of insects and other invertebrates and playing a crucial role in balancing predator-prey relationships.

Nutrient Cycling: Specimen B contributes to nutrient cycling through consumption and waste release.

Indicators of Environmental Health: Specimen B serves as indicator species and reflecting the overall health of ecosystems and signaling changes in water quality and habitat conditions.

Seed Dispersal: Specimen B aids in seed dispersal by consuming fruits and facilitating plant colonization and genetic diversity.

Prey for Predators: Specimen B provides a food source for various predators and contributing to the energy flow and trophic interactions within ecosystems.

Genetic Diversity: Specimen B contributes to the overall genetic diversity in ecosystems, and allowing for adaptation to changing environmental conditions and promoting resilience.

What is the Food Chain of Specimen B?

Grass→ Dragon fly→ Toad.


Specimen C – Spider

What is the Class Of Specimen C?

Specimen C belongs to the class of Arachnidan

What are the Observable Features That Adapt Specimen C to its Habitat?

Leg Structure for adapted specific habitat movement.
Spinnerets for web-building.
Chelicerae and Fangs for prey capture and venom injection.
Eyes for visual capabilities and prey detection.
Sensory Hairs aids in detecting vibrations and prey movements.

What is the Mode of Feeding of Specimen C?

Specimen C immobilize prey by biting and injecting venom or using silk to wrap the prey.

What are the Economic Importance of Specimen C?

Specimen C eats household pests
Specimen C is good for gardens
Specimen C kills off disease-carrying insects
Specimen C venom can treat medical conditions
Specimen C is a food source for other animals
Specimen C is an essential part of the ecosystem


What is the HABITAT of Specimen D?

Specimen D leaves on freshwater, Streams, Rivers, Lakes, Ponds, etc..

What is the Class to which Specimens D Belongs?

Specimen D belongs to the class of Arthropoda

What are the Observable Features That Adapt Specimen D to its Habitat?

  1. Claws and Appendages:
    • Large, powerful claws for defense and prey capture.
    • Walking legs with specialized structures for movement and stability.
  2. Exoskeleton and Body Shape:
    • Protective exoskeleton for defense.
    • Compressed body shape for maneuverability in narrow spaces.
  3. Antennae and Sensory Organs:
    • Long antennae with chemoreceptors for detecting chemicals.
    • Sensory setae for perceiving movements and vibrations.
  4. Abdomen and Tail:
    • Uropod and swimmerets for swimming and stability.
    • Tail fan and telson for propulsion and protection.

What are the Economic Importance of Specimen D?

  • Specimen D plays a key role in indicating water quality, keystone controls of trophic webs, and bio indicators of communities or habitats.
  • Specimen D is a very good source of protein and are very beneficial for human health, widely eaten throughout the world.
  • The food industry has been upgraded because of Specimen D as it is in very demand for the purpose of health among the customers.

What is the Mode of Feeding of Specimen D?

Specimen D uses pincers to grab food and legs to guide the food into its mouths.

What is the Food Chain Of Specimen D?

Algae and Aquatic Plants → Herbivorous Invertebrates → Specimen D

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