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If you want to see the Physics practical Specimens for 2023 WAEC Physics practical examination, you are on the right page. Scroll down to see all specimens you need for the Physics practical for 2023 WAECexamination.

The WAEC Physics practical Specimens in this post can help you to get good WAEC questions and answers for free.

You will also understand how the WAEC Physics practical examination is set up and how to answer the questions.

2023 WAEC Physics Practical Questions and Answers
The 2023 WAEC Physics Practical examination will take place on Tuesday, 30th May, 2023 from 9:30AM to 12:15AM (2Hours 30 Minutes).

If you want to get the 2023 WAEC Physics Practical Questions and Answers 3Hours before the Exam time, CLICK HERE.

2023 WAEC Physics Practical Specimens


– A load of mass 100g concealed and labelled as P
– A load of mass 20g concealed and labelled as Q
– A set of masses m (40g, 50g, 60g, 70g and 80g)
– Metre rule
– 100cm piece of string
– Stop watch
– Helical spring
– Retort stand set-up
– Knife edge

– A rectangular block (glass or Perspex) measuring at least 10cm×9cm
– Drawing sheet
– Drawing board
– Four optical pins
– Drawing pins
– Triangular prism
– Half metre rule
– Plane mirror

– 1Ω standard resistor labelled R
– Rheostat
– Voltmeter
– Ammeter
– Key/switch
– Source of emf, E=2F
– Ten connecting wires
– Resistance box
– Jockey
– Metre bridge



Click Here For 2023 WAEC Physics Practical Questions and Answers (Real Expo)

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